Kahuna USA

Energy Future



KAHUNA USA is pleased to be an integral part of the energy industry. Our role is to provide technical assistance to midstream companies in their endeavors to process and treat natural gas, gather and transport hydrocarbons, capture and sequester carbon, and reduce hydrocarbon emissions. The overriding goal is to capture as much energy as possible, minimize waste, and help produce affordable energy for humankind. We firmly believe in sustainable business operations and corporate stewardship. 

We are committed to operating our business with integrity, with an unblinking eye for safety, respect for the environment, and underpinned by an unwavering commitment to our legal and moral responsibilities. KAHUNA USA knows these attributes contribute to long-term financial success for both our clients and KAHUNA USA.

Accountability is in our DNA. KAHUNA USA holds itself accountable through transparent interactions with our clients, employees, and the communities where we live and work. Our mission demands that we value relationships, add value, give back, and operate with integrity at all levels. We promote a culture of inclusion and diversity and offer opportunities for our team to grow personally and professionally. At our core, we know our people are our greatest resource, and we strive to balance home and work life.

How we run our business should benefit our employees, clients, stakeholders, and the communities in which we operate. Affordable energy provides opportunities to flourish, lifts people from poverty, creates security, and allows for a more equable existence. KAHUNA USA will always work hard to achieve our mission, uphold our values, and play hard when the opportunity presents itself.

KAHUNA USA is proud to have been moving our industry forward for a quarter of a century. If you want to join this vibrant and committed community, JOIN US!


Jenna Overlee

Business Development

We are here to help. Give me a call.