Kahuna USA

Why is KAHUNA our name

A special name for a special company

While our excellence in ENERGY PROJECT EXECUTION precedes us, the origin of the name KAHUNA is often a source of curiosity.

Just prior to forming Kahuna Gas (the precursor to KAHUNA USA), our founder, Gary Davis, held the position of Senior VP, Engineering, Environmental and Production for Western Gas Resources. Many of the individuals on his team had worked for him for more than a decade and took to referring to him as “The Big Kahuna.” When he left Western Gas, the team created a very special going away present. They staged a series of pictures taken from the roof of Western’s company headquarters. Each frame had the team line up on the grass below in the shape of the letters spelling out KAHUNA. This prized picture hangs over Gary’s office door at KAHUNA USA. When Gary was poised to start his own firm, KAHUNA simply had to be in the name! 

Energy Project Execution

Kahuna Head